Payment Options

Monthly or annual direct debit/card payments. Monthly payments are typically processed on the same date you joined our membership, for example if you became a member on the 1st January, the subsequent payments will be the 1st of every month. 

Cleaning Schedule For Members

Our cleaning service for members operates on a 4-weekly basis. 


We kindly request that you ensure your windows, bin(s), gutters and all other cleaning areas are accessible on the day of your scheduled appointment. Our cleaning team operates between 8am and 8pm on the day of your scheduled cleaning service, unless otherwise specified. In the event that we are not able to access the aforementioned areas when the cleaning team attends, no refund will be issued. 

Bin Cleaning

Our Bin Cleaning service is available every 4 weeks or as a one-time option. The cleaning service coincides with your next scheduled rubbish collection (subject to availability), please note we only clean the bins when they are empty. You will receive an email from our bookings team to schedule your appointment within 48 hours of purchase, please note our emails occasionally go into the junk folder. Please ensure you inform us of the specific bin(s) you would like to be cleaned. If we do not receive this information, we will proceed with cleaning a bin of our choice.

In the event that you forget to present your bins for cleaning or if it is inaccessible/full when we arrive, please contact our office via email. We will make every effort to accommodate your request for a return visit. However, if it is not feasible, regrettably the appointment will be forfeited and no refund will be issued. 

Please be advised that an additional charge of £10 per bin will be applied if maggots are present in your bin(s). Additionally, if rubbish is found in your bin(s), there will be an extra fee of £5 per bin, which includes the cost of placing the rubbish into bags. Payment for these additional charges can be made through our website via our bin cleaning page, a payment link will be provided should these circumstances arise. Please note that for our regular bin cleaning service, the bins are not interchangeable. The bins cleaned during the initial service must remain the same for all subsequent cleaning services. If a bin change is necessary, please notify us via email and pay the additional fee. Should we arrive and find that your bins have been changed without prior notice, an invoice will be issued for the additional payment. 

Please be advised that it is your responsibility to inform us of your rubbish collection dates. If there are any changes to your collection schedule, please notify us via email.

Water usage - Our 0 TDS ultra pure water has no impurities or mineral deposits present, thus reducing any water marks. TDS stands for Total Dissolvable Solids and is the measurement used to grade water purity, it measures the levels of inorganic salts, principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates and small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water. Whilst these dissolved solids are perfectly safe and, in some cases, essential to drink, they are not ideal for cleaning purposes and leave behind mineral deposits (spots) as they dry. The water we use is produced to achieve the lowest parts per billion possible, removing all impurities to deliver water that is always 0.00 TDS to our customers.

Modifying Your Order or Adding/Changing Your Bins - you have the option to add an additional cleaning appointment, or cancel a booked appointment, until 5pm two days prior to the scheduled clean. After this time, we will make our best effort to accommodate your request, however, we cannot guarantee any amendments. Our 4 weekly bin cleaning service must be for the same bin/bins, if you have changed your bin, you must immediately inform us via email and pay the initial cleaning fee, once this has been paid, your service will continue as normal. These changes can be made via email - info@francisincorporated.com. 

Contaminated Bins - whilst it is rare, there are occasions when we cannot clean a bin. This includes situations where the bin may, for example, contain loose animal waste or wet paint. If we encounter such a situation, we will promptly notify you via email. Unfortunately, we do not provide refunds for contaminated bins.

 Additional Charges for Bin Cleaning - please note we charge an additional £5 per bin if it is not empty and an additional £10 per bin if the bin contains maggots. 

Window Cleaning

Quality Assurance - we use industry-leading techniques and eco-friendly cleaning solutionsWe take pride in delivering pristine views through our top-notch window cleaning services. Whether you're a homeowner or a business owner, our dedicated team is here to elevate your space with crystal-clear windows.

Water usage - Our 0 TDS ultra pure water has no impurities or mineral deposits present, thus reducing any water marks. TDS stands for Total Dissolvable Solids and is the measurement used to grade water purity, it measures the levels of inorganic salts, principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates and small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water. Whilst these dissolved solids are perfectly safe and, in some cases, essential to drink, they are not ideal for cleaning purposes and leave behind mineral deposits (spots) as they dry. The water we use is produced to achieve the lowest parts per billion possible, removing all impurities to deliver water that is always 0.00 TDS to our customers. 

Commercial Services

Francis Incorporated extends its exceptional services to cater specifically to commercial customers. We offer purpose-built packages tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Our commitment begins with a thorough on-site inspection, allowing us to gain a comprehensive understanding of your desired operational parameters. This meticulous approach ensures that we deliver our service without causing any disruption to your customers or daily operations.

Our pricing packages are designed to provide you with utmost flexibility. This customisable approach enables you to choose the most suitable option for your needs.

We offer flexible pricing packages for our commercial customers, designed to meet your specific needs and budget. 

Contact us today to discuss your requirements and select the package that works best for your business. Visit our Commercial cleaning services page to select which service suits your requirements and join our membership for a cleaning service every 4 weeks. 

Service Duration

For customers who have booked our regular cleaning service, a minimum commitment of 6 months is required before cancellation is permitted. However, if you have booked a one-off cleaning appointment, you can cancel two working days prior to the appointment.


If you are moving to a new house/business premise, please update your new address on our customer account section, alternatively via email - info@francisincorporated.com. It is possible that our service already covers your new area, allowing us to continue serving you. If we do not operate in your new location or if you no longer require our service, please notify us. Failure to inform us of your relocation or cancellation will result in you remaining responsible for the account.

Call Out Charge 

Please note we charge a £20 call out charge for customers who would like an express service, the call out charge is also applicable for all orders under £14.99. 

Cancellation Policy

At Francis Incorporated, we value your business and strive to provide you with the best service possible. We understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel your membership. Please review our cancellation policy below for a smooth and hassle-free process.

Cancellation Request - to cancel your membership with Francis Incorporated, please send an email to info@francisincorporated.com stating your intent to cancel. This email serves as written consent for the cancellation of your subscription.

Notice Period - after the minimum 6 month service duration, we require a minimum of three-calendar-months notice for all cancellations. This means that your cancellation will take effect after three calendar months from the date of your cancellation request. During this notice period, you will continue to receive our services and will be billed accordingly. In adherence to our cancellation policy, should you choose to cancel our services with immediate effect, please be advised that you will be charged for the remaining service duration and no further services will be provided. 

Billing During the Notice Period - you will be billed for the entire notice period, as per your regular membership rate. This ensures that you receive our services uninterrupted until the cancellation becomes effective. In adherence to our cancellation policy, should you choose to cancel our services with immediate effect, please be advised that you will be charged for the remaining service duration, no further services will be provided and no refunds will be issued. 

Effective Date of Cancellation - your membership will officially be cancelled three calendar months from the date of your cancellation request, subject to approval and any outstanding fees. You will not be billed for any subsequent months following the effective cancellation date.

Refunds - we do not provide refunds for any unused portion of the notice period or membership fees already paid for. 

Confirmation of Cancellation - upon receiving your cancellation request, we will send you a confirmation email detailing the effective cancellation date. Please retain this email for your records. 

We appreciate your understanding of our cancellation policy. If you have any questions or require assistance with the cancellation process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team at info@francisincorporated.com.


Should you decide to reactivate your membership in the future, you are welcome to do so. Please contact us at info@francisincorporated.com to discuss reactivation options.